Our economy is based on an imaginary currency known as Z-shares. New followers receive 69420 Z-shares as a welcome gift. Existing followers have their Z-shares reset to 69420 at the start of each month. The employee with the most Z-shares before the reset wins the lucrative title: Employee of the Month!
Your Z-shares can be used to take risks on the stockmarket with the !stonks command. The chance of doubling your investment is 50/50. Type !stonks followed by the amount you wish to invest, eg: !stonks 420
You can also use a percentage amount, eg: !stonks 20%
If you're feeling exceptionally lucky, you can go all in by using the command !stonks all
CAUTION: This is for serious investors only
You can also attempt to steal Z-shares from a co-worker with the !steal command. Type !steal followed by the username of your target, eg: !steal @user. The chance of success is 25/75 and includes a penalty fee if you fail. However, the rewards can often be worth the risk. Stealing from wealthier shareholders may result in a higher payout.
CAUTION: Spamming !steal too quickly may result in an auto-timeout
Want to spread your wealth around? Reward a colleague who helped you out? Show them you care with Z-shares! To gift shares to another user, type !launder followed by the target user and then the amount
eg: !launder @user 1000
!myshares shows how many Z-shares you currently hold
!rank shows the current Top 10 Leaderboard for all shareholders
Emote Fight -at the start of each stream, we spend about 10-15 minutes in a custom emote fighting arena. While the arena is open, type !emote in chat followed by the emote you wish to enter (this can be any Twitch emote you currently own or any 7tv/betterTTV emote)
The last emote standing wins a bundle of Z-shares! (69420 is the standard prize but we usually raise this to a million towards the end of each month)
Guess the Secret Word -Every stream includes a secret word worth 1 million Z-shares (2 million towards the end of each month). 2 clues will be available for channel points around 40 minutes into the stream. Please ensure your guesses are in single word format and do not include any extra punctuation.
Do nothing! Z-shares accumulate during watchtime, so even if you're only lurking in chat, you're still earning Z-shares. Passive income, baby!


Type !sr followed by the title and artist or !sr youtube/soundcloud link. The request playlist is usually running unless we're watching videos. Sometimes we turn it off if we're playing an immersive game or if the OST needs to be honored.
!currentsong -shows what song is currently playing as well as who requested it
!nextsong -lets you know which song is coming up next on the playlist
!songlist -provides a link to the entire current playlist
If the bot misinterprets your request and puts on a song you didn't want, please let us know and we will remove it or skip it.